Esther Tay's Facebook profile

the weather is getting so sizzling hot that it scalded my cheeks in just a short 5 min. i thought i was going to faint anytime in the heat when i walked home from sch on friday. you can't imagine what i felt. it was blistering! whoever had his/her aircon switched on right now should go and crush your head on the wall or sth! stop hurting mr poor climate! can't you feel its burning out in pain?

well if you can't, im feeling the heat!

okay. i too want to thank you people for the concerns & love you've shown. am taking in the fact that i've no cds in the end & washing away that emotion whirl. my heartfelt thanks goes out to whoever you are (: ther appreciated it.

oh yes! everyone always share their baby photos don't they? well well well, i want to share one too! :D


am i suppose to cry right now or just let everything be the way it is? i don't know.
and its not helping much with the appetite. not at all.

im gonna just dump all the remaining photos here in one go. so yes, it's really really photo intensive. i don't think i'll be able to find time to upload all of them if i don't do them now. it's going to be so hectic & breathless as the days wheeze pass. but for now, the photos (:

(this is so never gonna happen)

my hooman ferrets (:

happy little hannah (:

1,2,3,4 (FAILED)

you can judge for yourself how fiona can really curve. :D

(this is so funny!)

fiona had her den's hair obsession. :D

& allow Den's heartmelting smile lift you up to cloud nine (:

i have great friends around me.
ok, great & the fact that they love making me their own laughing machine.

"im not a retard!"
somebody! justify for me please!